Ah, that is hardly fair. Indeed, pretending that the commentators on CNBC are of the same mind is simply ludicrous. Take (for example) Jim Cramer and Rick Santelli. The two guys hate each others guts and disagree on everything. Indeed, the evidence of this can be found with ease, right next to a youtube 5 star rating. Likewise with the rest of the people/shows lampooned. Indeed, Fast Money and Squawk Box always have at least three commentators presenting, and it is a rare occurrence when all agree. It seems that
Once again the oversimplification provided by the Daily Show just kill deluded another hoard of 20-somethings who thought they were being educated.
Well, T in this instance I am not a 20 something, but someone with nearly 20 years of career experience involved in one way or another with media relations, international relations and energy.
I think I can say as an up-close observer that the problem is not so much that a parody show is oversimplifying things, but that, on a whole, the business media were willing pushers of the kool aid the investment companies were pushing. You would be better educated about world affairs and the state of the economy by Jon Stewart than the vast majority of media outlets, and that, in itself, is a very unhappy indictment of the current media environment.
That investment "advice" is given out by a subsidiary of a company with a huge financial arm is a clear conflict of interest ... and has predictable results.
I am not an insider, and so I read the papers, watch the networks (more like Jon Stewart, but OK), and poke about on the internet to get my news.
Just like most folks, I make my judgments about what's going on in the world on the basis of this information. This blog is an attempt to record some of them.
Because I've had some experience in international affairs, I might have a few counterintuitive reads on things that others might find interesting--or at least I hope so.
But, caveat emptor, since I have no inside information, the best I can do is assume:
a) that the actors being analyzed are behaving rationally, and
b) that the facts as they are reported in open sources are pretty much the facts.
"All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values."
Ah, that is hardly fair. Indeed, pretending that the commentators on CNBC are of the same mind is simply ludicrous. Take (for example) Jim Cramer and Rick Santelli. The two guys hate each others guts and disagree on everything. Indeed, the evidence of this can be found with ease, right next to a youtube 5 star rating. Likewise with the rest of the people/shows lampooned. Indeed, Fast Money and Squawk Box always have at least three commentators presenting, and it is a rare occurrence when all agree.
It seems that
Once again the oversimplification provided by the Daily Show just kill deluded another hoard of 20-somethings who thought they were being educated.
Well, T in this instance I am not a 20 something, but someone with nearly 20 years of career experience involved in one way or another with media relations, international relations and energy.
I think I can say as an up-close observer that the problem is not so much that a parody show is oversimplifying things, but that, on a whole, the business media were willing pushers of the kool aid the investment companies were pushing. You would be better educated about world affairs and the state of the economy by Jon Stewart than the vast majority of media outlets, and that, in itself, is a very unhappy indictment of the current media environment.
That investment "advice" is given out by a subsidiary of a company with a huge financial arm is a clear conflict of interest ... and has predictable results.
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